Server Video coming soon.

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Donate to keep the server running on a dedicated server. If we can't fund the server, we will have to shut down this server and go back to only hosting a Minecraft server.

Donors get !robot, !rtd (In normal maps), Chat colors​​ (!ccc) and discounts/donor for our Minecraft server.
$1 - Donor for a week​
$5​​ - Donor for a month + $2 Donor package on Minecraft, if requested
$10 - Donor for 3 months + $5 Donor package on Minecraft, if requested
$15​ - Donor for 6 months + $5 Donor package on Minecraft, if requested
$20 - Donor for 9 months​ + $15 Donor package on Minecraft, if requested
$25 - Donor for 12 months + $15 Donor package on Minecraft, if requested
$30+ - Donor Permanent​​​ly + $25 Donor package on Minecraft, if requested

(Ex: You donate $30 to Team Fortress 2 and also get Admin on our Minecraft server)
You must say your Steam ID in the donation message, or we will not know who to give the Donator permissions to.​​ Use this tool to find your Steam ID.

NOTE: ​​If you have donated, it may take a few hours to check the PayPal account to see who donated. If Ratchet is on the server, notify him that you donated or message him on Steam.


Site Started
Site has been created.
This server no longer exists.